Free Printable Felt Ornament Patterns

Free Printable Felt Ornament PatternsCraft enthusiasts are always on the lookout for exciting and new patterns to use in their projects. These free patterns provide an array of patterns that are suitable for knitting, crocheting, sewing and other crafts. In this tutorial you’ll be taught how to create printable patterns, download them, print the patterns, and then use the patterns effectively for your craft.

Types of Free Printable Patterns

FREE Printable Christmas Ornament Templates Felt Christmas Ornament

A. Sewing Patterns

These sewing patterns, which are printable, are perfect for DIY fashion lovers and dressmakers. There are patterns for clothes home decor, accessories and clothing.

B. Crochet Patterns

The intricate designs created with yarn are made by crochet patterns. There are many different levels of difficulty to meet the skill level of any crochet enthusiast.

C. Knitting Patterns

Knitting Patterns are a fantastic method to knit clothes and accessories. They are available in different styles and complexity to cater to different skill levels.

How to Design Your own Printable Pattern

Free Printable Felt Christmas Ornament Patterns Free Printable

  1. Sketch Your Idea. Draw your design on paper, or use digital tools. Make sure to include all necessary information and measurements.
  2. If the drawing is digital, you may save it in any compatible format. If you create digital artwork, simply save the image to an application that is compatible with it (e.g. PNG HTML0, JPG, or PNG ).).
  3. Edit and Resize: Utilize a graphic editing program to make any adjustments needed and to resize the pattern to the desired dimensions.
  4. Save and print Your design can be saved and either print it on paper, or iron it directly onto fabric.

Downloading and Printing Patterns

Free Printable Felt Christmas Ornament Patterns With Images

1. Find a reliable source

This includes blogs, magazines online and databases of patterns. These can be found on websites, blogs, or pattern databases.

2. Download the Pattern

Then, you can download the file onto your computer. Make sure the file is in a compatible format that is compatible with the printer you are using.

3. Print the Pattern

Utilize your home printer to print the pattern on fabric or paper. To ensure the pattern prints accurately and scaled you can adjust the settings of your printer.

Print out patterns to create your own projects

  • Select the Best Material

Select the appropriate yarn or fabric for your project. Take into consideration the suggested fabric and the outcome you’d like to achieve.

  • Test Your Skills

To develop your craft skills, start with a simple project.

Read the Instructions Carefully: Follow the instructions carefully, paying particular attention to the finer points like seam allowances and stitch counts.

  • Customize Your Project

You are free to modify the design to meet your own personal style and preferences. Change the colors as well as add embellishments. You can also make other adjustments to create your own unique item.


Free patterns for printables are an affordable and easy option to experiment with new designs and make your crafting projects more enjoyable. When you download patterns from trusted websites or creating your own, you’ll have many options to explore in terms of making crochet, knitting, sewing and more. Utilize our suggestions and guidelines to make the most of the patterns you download. Also, don’t hesitate to experiment and modify your projects to reflect you individual style. Happy crafting!

Gallery of Free Printable Felt Ornament Patterns

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